Table of Contents
- ArrayOfAttachmentsType
- Contains the items or files that are attached to an item in the Exchange
- ArrayOfBinaryType
- Represents a value that encodes a contact's certificate.
- NonEmptyArrayOfAttachmentsType
- Contains the items or files that are attached to an item in the Exchange
- FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywordsResponseMessageType
- Represents the response message for a FindMailboxStatisticsByKeywords
- UpdateItemResponseMessageType
- Represents the status and result of a single UpdateItem request.
- AbsoluteDateTransitionType
- Represents a time zone transition that occurs on a specific date and at a
specific time.
- AbsoluteMonthlyRecurrencePatternType
- Represents a monthly recurrence pattern.
- AbsoluteYearlyRecurrencePatternType
- Represents a yearly recurrence pattern.
- AcceptItemType
- Represents an Accept reply to a meeting request.
- AcceptSharingInvitationType
- Used to accept an invitation that allows access to another user’s calendar or
contacts data.
- AddressListIdType
- Defines the identifier of an address list.
- AggregateOnType
- Represents the property that is used to determine the order of grouped items
for a grouped FindItem result set.
- AlternateIdBaseType
- Base class for alternate id types.
- AlternateIdType
- Describes an identifier to convert in a request and the results of a
converted identifier in the response.
- AlternatePublicFolderIdType
- Describes a public folder identifier to convert to another identifier format.
- AlternatePublicFolderItemIdType
- Describes a public folder item identifier to convert to another identifier
- AndType
- Represents a search expression that allows you to perform a Boolean AND
operation between two or more search expressions.
- AppendToFolderFieldType
- This type element is not implemented. Any request that uses this type will
always return an error response.
- AppendToItemFieldType
- Identifies data to append to a single property of an item during an
UpdateItem operation.
- AppMetadata
- Defines metadata about a mail app.
- AppType
- Defines information about an XML manifest file for a mail app that is
installed in a mailbox.
- AttachmentIdType
- Identifies an item or file attachment.
- AttachmentResponseShapeType
- Represents additional properties to return in a response to a GetAttachment
- AttachmentType
- Represents an Exchange attachment.
- AttendeeConflictData
- Represents an attendee that has conflicting data.
- AttendeeType
- Represents attendees and resources for a meeting.
- BaseEmailAddressType
- Base class for email address types.
- BaseFolderIdType
- Base type for item identifiers.
- BaseFolderType
- Base class for folder types.
- BaseGroupByType
- Base class for item ordering.
- BaseItemIdType
- Base type for item identifiers.
- BaseNotificationEventType
- Represents a notification that no new activity has occurred in the mailbox.
- BaseObjectChangedEventType
- Represents an event in which an item or folder is created.
- BasePagingType
- Base class for defining how results should be paged.
- BasePathToElementType
- Base class for a path to an element.
- BasePermissionType
- Base class for permission types.
- BaseSubscriptionRequestType
- Base class for subscription requests.
- BodyContentAttributedValueType
- Defines the body content of an item.
- BodyContentType
- Defines the value of a BodyContentAttributedValue element.
- BodyType
- Specifies the body of an item.
- CalendarEvent
- Represents a unique calendar item occurrence.
- CalendarEventDetails
- Represents additional information about a calendar event.
- CalendarFolderType
- Represents a folder that primarily contains calendar items.
- CalendarItemType
- Represents an Exchange calendar item.
- CalendarPermissionSetType
- Contains all the permissions that are configured for a calendar folder.
- CalendarPermissionType
- Defines the access that a user has to a Calendar folder.
- CalendarViewType
- Defines a FindItem operation as returning calendar items in a set as they
appear in a calendar.
- CancelCalendarItemType
- Represents the response object that is used to cancel a meeting.
- ChangeDescriptionType
- Base class for changes to individual properties.
- ClientAccessTokenRequestType
- Defines a single token request.
- ClientAccessTokenType
- Defines a client access token.
- CompleteNameType
- Represents the complete name of a contact.
- ConflictResultsType
- Indicates the number of conflicts in an UpdateItem Operation response.
- ConnectingSIDType
- Represents an account to impersonate when you are using the
ExchangeImpersonation SOAP header.
- ConstantValueType
- Identifies a constant value in a restriction.
- ContactItemType
- Represents a contact item in the Exchange store.
- ContactsFolderType
- Represents a contacts folder that is contained in a mailbox.
- ContactsViewType
- Defines a search for contact items based on alphabetical display names.
- ContainsExpressionType
- Represents a search expression that determines whether a given property
contains the supplied constant string value.
- ContextPropertyType
- Defines the context for an item.
- ConversationActionType
- Represents a single action to be applied to a single conversation.
- ConversationNodeType
- Defines a node in a conversation.
- ConversationResponseType
- Defines a single conversation.
- ConversationShape
- Identifies the property set to return in a FindConversation operation
- ConversationType
- Represents a single conversation.
- CreateRuleOperationType
- Represents an operation to create a new Inbox rule.
- DailyRecurrencePatternType
- Describes the frequency, in days, in which a calendar item or a task recurs.
- DailyRegeneratingPatternType
- Describes the frequency, in days, in which a task is regenerated.
- DeclineItemType
- Represents a Decline reply to a meeting request.
- DelegatePermissionsType
- Contains the delegate permission-level settings for a user.
- DelegateUserType
- Identifies a single delegate to add or update in a mailbox or a delegate
returned in a delegate management response.
- DeletedOccurrenceInfoType
- Represents a deleted occurrence of a recurring calendar item.
- DeleteFolderFieldType
- Represents an operation to delete a given property from a folder during an
UpdateFolder call.
- DeleteItemFieldType
- Represents an operation to delete a given property from an item during an
UpdateItem call.
- DeleteRuleOperationType
- Represents an operation to delete an existing Inbox rule.
- DirectoryEntryType
- Represents a directory entry.
- DiscoverySearchConfigurationType
- Defines a configuration for eDiscovery search.
- DistinguishedFolderIdType
- Identifies folders that can be referenced by name.
- DistinguishedGroupByType
- Represents standard groupings for FindItem queries.
- DistributionListType
- Represents a distribution list.
- Duration
- Represents a time span.
- EffectiveRightsType
- Represents the client's rights based on the permission settings for an item
or folder.
- EmailAddressAttributedValueType
- Defines an instance of an array of email addresses and their associated
- EmailAddressDictionaryEntryType
- Represents a single e-mail address for a contact.
- EmailAddressDictionaryType
- Represents a collection of e-mail addresses for a contact.
- EmailAddressType
- Identifier for a fully resolved email address
- EncryptedSharedFolderDataType
- Represents the encrypted data that a client can use to authorize the sharing
of its calendar or contact data with other clients.
- EndDateRecurrenceRangeType
- Describes the start date and the end date of an item recurrence pattern.
- ExchangeImpersonationType
- Represents the account to impersonate within a request.
- ExcludesType
- Represents a bitwise mask of a specified property and a supplied value.
- ExcludesValueType
- Represents a hexadecimal or decimal mask to be used during an Excludes
restriction operation.
- ExistsType
- Represents a search expression that returns true if the supplied property
exists on an item.
- ExtendedAttributeType
- Internal use only.
- ExtendedPropertyAttributedValueType
- Defines an extended property for a persona.
- ExtendedPropertyType
- Identifies extended MAPI properties on folders and items.
- FailedSearchMailboxType
- Specifies the error message for a mailbox that failed on search.
- FieldOrderType
- Represents a single field by which to sort results and indicates the
direction for the sort.
- FieldURIOrConstantType
- Represents either a property or a constant value to be used when comparing
with another property.
- FileAttachmentType
- Represents a file that is attached to an item in the Exchange store.
- FindFolderParentType
- Represents the results of a search of a single root folder during a
FindFolder operation.
- FindItemParentType
- Represents the results of a search of a single root folder during a FindItem
- FindMessageTrackingSearchResultType
- Represents a single message result for a FindMessageTrackingReportResponse
- FolderChangeDescriptionType
- Base class for changes to individual folder properties.
- FolderChangeType
- Represents a collection of changes to be performed on a single folder.
- FolderIdType
- Represents the identifier of the parent folder that contains the item or
- FolderResponseShapeType
- Defines the folder properties to include in a GetFolder, FindFolder, or
SyncFolderHierarchy response.
- FolderType
- Defines a folder to create, get, find, synchronize, or update.
- ForwardItemType
- Represents an Exchange store item to forward to recipients.
- FractionalPageViewType
- Describes where the paged view starts and the maximum number of folders
returned in a FindFolder request.
- FreeBusyResponseType
- Represents the free/busy information for a single mailbox user.
- FreeBusyView
- Represents availability information for a specific user.
- FreeBusyViewOptionsType
- Represents the type of free/busy information returned in a response.
- GroupAttendeeConflictData
- Represents aggregate conflict information about the number of users who are
available, the number of users who have conflicts, and the number of users
who do not have availability information in a distribution list for a
suggested meeting time.
- GroupByType
- Defines an arbitrary grouping for FindItem queries.
- GroupedItemsType
- Represents a collection of items that are the result of a grouped FindItem
operation call.
- ImAddressDictionaryEntryType
- Represents an instant messaging (IM) address for a contact.
- ImAddressDictionaryType
- Represents a collection of instant messaging addresses for a contact.
- ImGroupType
- Defines an instant messaging group.
- ImItemListType
- Defines a list of instant messaging groups and instant messaging contacts.
- IndexedPageViewType
- Describes how paged conversation or item information is returned for a
FindItem operation or FindConversation operation request.
- IndividualAttendeeConflictData
- Represents a user's or contact's free/busy status for a time window that
occurs at the same time as the suggested meeting time identified in the
Suggestion element.
- InstalledAppType
- Undocumented.
- InternetHeaderType
- Represents the Internet message header for a given header within a headers
- IntervalRecurrencePatternBaseType
- Base class for recurrence patterns with an interval.
- InvalidRecipientType
- Represents the SMTP address of the invalid recipient and information about
why the recipient is invalid.
- IsEqualToType
- Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a
constant value or another property and evaluates to true if they are equal.
- IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType
- Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a
constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is
greater than or equal to the second.
- IsGreaterThanType
- Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a
constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is
- IsLessThanOrEqualToType
- Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a
constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is
less than or equal to the second.
- IsLessThanType
- Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a
constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is
less than the second.
- IsNotEqualToType
- Represents a search expression that compares a property with either a
constant value or another property and returns true if the first property is
less than or equal to the second.
- ItemAttachmentType
- Represents an Exchange item that is attached to another Exchange item.
- ItemChangeDescriptionType
- Base class for changes to individual item properties.
- ItemChangeType
- Represents an item identifier and the updates to apply to the item.
- ItemIdType
- Contains the unique identifier and change key of an item in the Exchange
- ItemResponseShapeType
- Represents a set of properties to return in a GetItem operation, FindItem
operation, or SyncFolderItems operation response.
- ItemType
- Represents a generic item in the Exchange store.
- KeywordStatisticsSearchResultType
- Represents a single keyword search result.
- MailboxData
- Represents an individual mailbox user and options for the type of data to be
returned about the mailbox user.
- MailboxHoldResultType
- Defines the result of the mailbox hold request request.
- MailboxHoldStatusType
- Defines the hold status of a mailbox.
- MailboxQueryType
- Defines a query and the scope of a discovery search.
- MailboxSearchScopeType
- Defines a mailbox and a search scope for a discovery search.
- MailboxStatisticsItemType
- Defines statistics for a mailbox.
- MailboxStatisticsSearchResultType
- Represents the results of a keyword search.
- MailTips
- Represents values for various types of mail tips.
- MailTipsServiceConfiguration
- Represents service configuration information for the mail tips service.
- ManagedFolderInformationType
- Compound property for Managed Folder related information for Managed Folders.
- MeetingCancellationMessageType
- Represents a meeting cancellation in the Exchange store.
- MeetingMessageType
- Represents a meeting in the Exchange store.
- MeetingRequestMessageType
- Represents a meeting cancellation in the Exchange store.
- MeetingResponseMessageType
- Represents a meeting response in the Exchange store.
- MembersListType
- Represents the list of members for a distribution list.
- MemberType
- Represents a member of a distribution list.
- MessageTrackingReportType
- Represents a single message that is returned in a GetMessageTrackingReport
- MessageType
- Represents a Microsoft Exchange e-mail message.
- MimeContentType
- Represents the native Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) stream of
an object that is represented in base64Binary format.
- ModifiedEventType
- Represents an event in which an item or folder is modified.
- MonthlyRegeneratingPatternType
- Describes the frequency, in months, of which task is regenerated.
- MovedCopiedEventType
- Represents an event in which an item or folder is copied.
- MultipleOperandBooleanExpressionType
- Base class for derived elements that represent a restriction formed by two or
more Boolean operands.
- NoEndRecurrenceRangeType
- Describes the start date of an item recurrence pattern that does not have a
defined end date.
- NonIndexableItemDetailResultType
- Defines the results of the GetNonIndexableItemDetails request.
- NonIndexableItemDetailType
- Defines detail information about an item that cannot be indexed.
- NonIndexableItemStatisticType
- Defines a single statistic for an item that could not be indexed.
- NotificationType
- Contains information about the subscription and the events that have occurred
since the last notification.
- NotType
- Represents a search expression that negates the Boolean value of the search
expression that it contains.
- NumberedRecurrenceRangeType
- Describes the start date and the number of occurrences of a recurring item.
- OccurrenceInfoType
- Represents an occurrence of a recurring calendar item.
- OccurrenceItemIdType
- Identifies a single occurrence of a recurring item.
- OccurrencesRangeType
- Defines a range of calendar item occurrences for a repeating calendar item.
- OpenAsAdminOrSystemServiceType
- For internal use only. Not used by clients.
- OrType
- Represents a search expression that performs a logical OR on the search
expression that it contains.
- OutOfOfficeMailTip
- Represents the response message and a duration time for sending the response
- PathToExtendedFieldType
- Represents an extended property.
- PathToIndexedFieldType
- Identifies individual members of a dictionary.
- PathToUnindexedFieldType
- Identifies frequently referenced properties by URI.
- PeriodType
- Defines the name, time offset, and unique identifier for a specific stage of
the time zone.
- PermissionSetType
- Contains all the permissions that are configured for a folder.
- PermissionType
- Defines the access that a user has to a folder.
- PersonaAttributionType
- Defines an instance in an array of attributes for a Persona.
- PersonaPhoneNumberType
- Represents a phone number and type information and is associated with a set
of attributions.
- PersonaPostalAddressType
- Defines a postal address associated with a persona.
- PersonaResponseShapeType
- Defines a set of properties for a persona.
- PersonaType
- Defines a set of persona data.
- PhoneCallIdType
- Represents the identifier of a phone call.
- PhoneCallInformationType
- Represents the state information for a phone call.
- PhoneNumberAttributedValueType
- Represents a phone number and its associated attributions.
- PhoneNumberDictionaryEntryType
- Represents a telephone number for a contact.
- PhoneNumberDictionaryType
- Represents a collection of telephone numbers for a contact.
- PhysicalAddressDictionaryEntryType
- Describes a single physical address for a contact item.
- PhysicalAddressDictionaryType
- Represents a collection of physical addresses that are associated with a
- PostalAddressAttributedValueType
- Defines an instance of an array of postal addresses and their associated
- PostItemType
- Represents a post item in the Exchange store.
- PostReplyItemBaseType
- Base class for posting item replies.
- PostReplyItemType
- Represents a reply to a post item.
- PreviewItemMailboxType
- Defines the mailbox identifier and the user’s primary Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP) address.
- PreviewItemResponseShapeType
- Defines the requested property set to be returned in a discovery search.
- PrivateCatalogAddInsType
- Undocumented.
- ProposeNewTimeType
- Represents a response object that indicates that a meeting attendee can
propose a new meeting time.
- ProtectionRuleActionType
- Identifies what action must be executed if the condition part of a rule
- ProtectionRuleAndType
- Specifies that all child elements must match to evaluate to true.
- ProtectionRuleArgumentType
- Specifies an argument to be passed to an action.
- ProtectionRuleConditionType
- Identifies a condition that must be satisfied for the action part of a rule
to be executed.
- ProtectionRuleRecipientIsType
- Specifies that any recipient of the e-mail message matches any of the
specified recipients in the child Value (ProtectionRuleValueType) elements.
- ProtectionRuleSenderDepartmentsType
- Specifies that the department of the sender matches any of the specified
departments in the child Value (ProtectionRuleValueType) elements.
- ProtectionRulesServiceConfiguration
- Represents service configuration information for the protection rules
- ProtectionRuleType
- Represents a single protection rule.
- PullSubscriptionRequestType
- Represents a subscription to a pull-based event notification subscription.
- PushSubscriptionRequestType
- Represents a subscription to a push-based event notification subscription.
- QueryStringType
- Represents a mailbox query string based on Advanced Query Syntax (AQS).
- RecipientTrackingEventType
- Represents information for a single event for a recipient.
- RecurrencePatternBaseType
- Base class for recurrence patterns.
- RecurrenceRangeBaseType
- Base class for recurrence ranges,
- RecurrenceType
- Defines the recurrence pattern for calendar items and meeting requests.
- RecurringDateTransitionType
- Represents a time zone transition that occurs on a specific date each year.
- RecurringDayTransitionType
- Represents a time zone transition that occurs on the same day each year.
- RecurringMasterItemIdRanges
- Defines an occurrence range.
- RecurringMasterItemIdType
- Defines a recurrence master item by identifying the identifiers of one of
its related occurrence items.
- RecurringTimeTransitionType
- Base class for recurring time transitions.
- ReferenceItemResponseType
- Base class for responding to items with a reference.
- RegeneratingPatternBaseType
- Base class for regenerating patterns.
- RelativeMonthlyRecurrencePatternType
- Describes a relative monthly recurrence pattern.
- RelativeYearlyRecurrencePatternType
- Describes a relative yearly recurrence pattern.
- ReminderItemActionType
- Defines the action for a reminder item.
- ReminderType
- Represents a reminder for a task or a calendar item.
- RemoveItemType
- Represents a response object that is used to remove a meeting item when a
MeetingCancellation message is received.
- ReplyAllToItemType
- Represents a reply to the sender and all identified recipients of an item in
the Exchange store.
- ReplyBody
- Defines the out of office (OOF) response that is sent to addresses outside
the recipient's domain or trusted domains.
- ReplyToItemType
- Represents a reply to the sender of an item in the Exchange store.
- RequestAttachmentIdType
- Identifies a single attachment.
- RequestServerVersion
- Defines the Microsoft Exchange Server version of a request.
- ResolutionType
- Represents a single resolved entity.
- ResponseObjectCoreType
- Internal abstract base type for reply objects.
- ResponseObjectType
- Base type for reply objects.
- RestrictionType
- Represents the restriction or query that is used to filter items or folders
in FindItem/FindFolder and search folder operations.
- RetentionPolicyTagType
- Defines the retention policy for a mailbox item.
- RoomType
- Represents a meeting room.
- RootItemIdType
- Identifies the root item of a deleted item.
- RuleActionsType
- Represents the set of actions that are available to be taken on a message
when conditions are fulfilled.
- RuleOperationErrorType
- Represents a rule operation error.
- RulePredicateDateRangeType
- Specifies the date range within which incoming messages have to have been
received in order for the condition or exception to apply.
- RulePredicateSizeRangeType
- Specifies the minimum and maximum sizes that incoming messages must be in
order for the condition or exception to apply.
- RulePredicatesType
- Identifies the conditions that, when fulfilled, will trigger the rule actions
for a rule.
- RuleType
- Represents a single rule in a user's mailbox.
- RuleValidationErrorType
- Represents a single validation error on a particular rule property value,
predicate property value, or action property value.
- SearchableMailboxType
- Defines a mailbox that may be searched.
- SearchExpressionType
- Represents the substituted element within a restriction.
- SearchFolderType
- Represents a search folder that is contained in a mailbox.
- SearchMailboxesResultType
- Defines the result of a SearchMailboxes request.
- SearchParametersType
- Represents the parameters that define a search folder.
- SearchPreviewItemType
- Defines an item preview for a discovery search.
- SearchRefinerItemType
- Represents a search refiner.
- SeekToConditionPageViewType
- Defines the condition that is used to identify the end of a search, the
starting index of a search, the maximum entries to return, and the search
directions for a FindItem or FindConversation search.
- SendNotificationResultType
- Defines the response of a client application to a push notification.
- SerializableTimeZone
- Defines a time zone.
- SerializableTimeZoneTime
- Represents an offset from the time relative to Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) that is represented by the Bias (UTC) element in regions where daylight
saving time is observed.
- SerializedSecurityContextType
- Defines token serialization in server-to-server authentication.
- ServerVersionInfo
- Represents the Microsoft Exchange Server version number.
- ServiceConfiguration
- This "base class" is available for ErrorCode / ErrorMessage elements if those
become necessary in the future.
- SetFolderFieldType
- Represents an update that sets the value for a single property on a folder in
an UpdateFolder operation.
- SetItemFieldType
- Represents an update to a single property of an item in an UpdateItem
- SetRuleOperationType
- Represents an operation to update an existing rule.
- SidAndAttributesType
- Represents a single security identifier and attribute for an Active Directory
directory service object group of which the account is a member.
- SingleRecipientType
- Identifies the delegate in a delegate access scenario.
- SmartResponseBaseType
- Base class for smart responses.
- SmartResponseType
- Base class for smart responses that include new body content.
- SmtpDomain
- Represents a single SMTP domain.
- SmtpDomainList
- Identifies a list of internal SMTP domains of the organization.
- StreamingSubscriptionRequest
- Represents a subscription to a streaming event notification subscription.
- StringArrayAttributedValueType
- Defines an instance of an array of string data.
- StringAttributedValueType
- Represents an attribute associated with a persona element.
- StringType
- Base class for string types.
- Suggestion
- Represents a single meeting suggestion.
- SuggestionDayResult
- Represents a single day that contains suggested meeting times.
- SuggestionsResponseType
- Represents response status information and suggestion data for requested
meeting suggestions.
- SuggestionsViewOptionsType
- Defines the options for obtaining meeting suggestion information.
- SuppressReadReceiptType
- Used to suppress read receipts.
- SyncFolderHierarchyChangesType
- Represents a sequenced array of change types that represent the type of
differences between the folders on the client and the folders on the computer
that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
- SyncFolderHierarchyCreateOrUpdateType
- Identifies a single folder to create in the local client store.
- SyncFolderHierarchyDeleteType
- Identifies a single folder to delete in the local client store.
- SyncFolderItemsChangesType
- Represents a sequence array of change types that represent the types of
differences between the items on the client and the items on the Exchange
- SyncFolderItemsCreateOrUpdateType
- Identifies a single item to create in the local client store.
- SyncFolderItemsDeleteType
- Identifies a single item to delete in the local client store.
- SyncFolderItemsReadFlagType
- Identifies whether or not an item has been read.
- TargetFolderIdType
- Indicates the folder that is targeted for actions that use folders.
- TaskRecurrenceType
- Defines the recurrence pattern for recurring tasks.
- TasksFolderType
- Represents a Tasks folder that is contained in a mailbox.
- TaskType
- Represents a task in the Exchange store.
- TentativelyAcceptItemType
- Represents a Tentative reply to a meeting request.
- TimeChangeType
- Represents the date and time when a time change occurs.
- TimeZoneContextType
- Defines the time zone definition that is to be used as the default when
assigning the time zone for the DateTime properties of objects that are
created, updated, and retrieved by using Exchange Web Services (EWS).
- TimeZoneDefinitionType
- Defines a timezone.
- TimeZoneType
- Represents a time zone.
- TooBigGroupAttendeeConflictData
- Represents an attendee that was resolved as a distribution list but the
distribution list was too large to expand.
- TrackingPropertyType
- Represents a name and value pair of strings that is used to create properties
for message tracking reports.
- TransitionTargetType
- Specifies the target of the time zone transition.
- TransitionType
- Represents a time zone transition.
- TwoOperandExpressionType
- Base class for search expressions with two operands.
- UnifiedMessageServiceConfiguration
- Represents service configuration information for the Unified Messaging
- UnknownAttendeeConflictData
- Represents an unresolvable attendee or an attendee that is not a user,
distribution list, or contact.
- UploadItemType
- Represents a single item to upload into a mailbox.
- UserConfigurationDictionaryEntryType
- Represents the contents of a single dictionary entry property.
- UserConfigurationDictionaryObjectType
- Represents the value of a dictionary property.
- UserConfigurationDictionaryType
- Defines a set of dictionary property entries for a user configuration object.
- UserConfigurationNameType
- Represents the name of a user configuration object. The user configuration
object name is the identifier for a user configuration object.
- UserConfigurationType
- Defines a single user configuration object.
- UserIdType
- Identifies a delegate user or a user who has folder access permissions.
- UserMailboxType
- Represents a user mailbox.
- UserOofSettings
- Defines the Out of Office (OOF) settings.
- WeeklyRecurrencePatternType
- Describes a weekly recurrence pattern.
- WeeklyRegeneratingPatternType
- Describes the frequency, in weeks, in which a task is regenerated.
- WellKnownResponseObjectType
- Base class fot meeting request replies.
- WorkingHours
- Represents the time zone settings and working hours for the requested mailbox
- WorkingPeriod
- Represents the work week days and hours of the mailbox user.
- YearlyRegeneratingPatternType
- Describes the frequency, in years, in which a task is regenerated.
- Type
- Base class for Exchange Web Service Types.