Table of Contents
- ArrayOfAppManifestsType
- Defines a collection of base64-encoded app manifests that are installed for a
email account.
- ArrayOfAppsType
- Defines information about all the XML manifest files for apps installed in a
- ArrayOfArraysOfTrackingPropertiesType
- Represents a property bag to store errors that are returned through the Web
- ArrayOfAttachmentsType
- Contains the items or files that are attached to an item in the Exchange
- ArrayOfAttendeeConflictData
- Defines an array of conflict data.
- ArrayOfBaseItemIdsType
- Defines the unique identities of items, occurrence items, and recurring
master items that are used to delete, send, get, move, or copy items in the
Exchange store.
- ArrayOfBinaryType
- Represents a value that encodes a contact's certificate.
- ArrayOfBodyContentAttributedValuesType
- Defines an array of BodyContentAttributedValue elements.
- ArrayOfCalendarEvent
- Represents a set of unique calendar item occurrences that represent the
requested user's availability.
- ArrayOfCalendarPermissionsType
- Represents an array of calendar permissions for a folder.
- ArrayOfContextProperty
- Defines a set of context properties for an item.
- ArrayOfConversationNodesType
- Defines a collection of conversation nodes.
- ArrayOfConversationsType
- Represents an array of conversations.
- ArrayOfDelegateUserResponseMessageType
- Contains the response messages for an Exchange Web Services delegate
management request.
- ArrayOfDelegateUserType
- Contains the identities of delegates to add to or update in a mailbox.
- ArrayOfDiscoverySearchConfigurationType
- Defines an array of DiscoverySearchConfiguration elements.
- ArrayOfDLExpansionType
- Represents an array of mailboxes that are contained in a distribution list.
- ArrayOfEmailAddressAttributedValuesType
- Defines an array of EmailAddressAttributedValue values and the identifiers of
their source attributions.
- ArrayOfEmailAddressesType
- Specifies an array of all email addresses of an associated persona.
- ArrayOfEncryptedSharedFolderDataType
- Represents a collection of data structures that a client can use to authorize
the sharing of its calendar or contact data with other clients.
- ArrayOfExtendedAttributesType
- Internal use only.
- ArrayOfExtendedPropertyAttributedValueType
- Defines the extended properties used for a persona.
- ArrayOfFailedSearchMailboxesType
- Defines an array of mailboxes that failed on search.
- ArrayOfFindMessageTrackingSearchResultType
- Represents a list of records that match the search criteria.
- ArrayOfFolderIdType
- Defines a list of folder identifiers.
- ArrayOfFoldersType
- Represents an array of folders that are used in folder operations.
- ArrayOfFreeBusyResponse
- Represents the requested users' availability information and the response
- ArrayOfGroupedItemsType
- Represents a collection of groups that are found with the search and
aggregation criteria that is identified in the FindItem operation request.
- ArrayOfImGroupType
- Defines an array of instant messaging (IM) groups.
- ArrayOfInvalidRecipientsType
- Represents the recipients of a folder sharing request that are invalid.
- ArrayOfItemClassType
- Represents a list of item classes.
- ArrayOfKeywordStatisticsSearchResultsType
- Defines a list of one or more KeywordStat elements.
- ArrayOfMailboxData
- Represents a list of mailboxes to query for availability information.
- ArrayOfMailboxHoldStatusType
- Defines a list of one or more mailbox hold statuses.
- ArrayOfMailboxStatisticsItemsType
- Defines a list of one or more mailbox stats.
- ArrayOfMailTipsResponseMessageType
- Represents a list of mail tips response messages.
- ArrayOfNonIndexableItemDetailsType
- Defines an array of item details for non-indexable items.
- ArrayOfNonIndexableItemStatisticsType
- Defines an array of statistics for items that could not be indexed.
- ArrayOfOccurrenceRangesType
- Defines an array of recurrence ranges.
- ArrayOfPeopleQuerySource
- Defines the source data for a persona query.
- ArrayOfPeopleType
- Defines an array of persona data.
- ArrayOfPermissionsType
- Contains the collection of permissions for a folder.
- ArrayOfPersonaAttributionsType
- Specifies an array of attribution information for one or more of the contacts
or Active Directory recipients aggregated into the associated persona.
- ArrayOfPhoneNumberAttributedValuesType
- Represents an array of phone numbers and the identifiers of their source
attributions for the associated persona.
- ArrayOfPostalAddressAttributedValuesType
- Defines an array of business addresses and the identifiers of their source
- ArrayOfPrivateCatalogAddInsType
- Undocumented.
- ArrayOfProtectionRulesType
- Represents an array of protection rules.
- ArrayOfRealItemsType
- Represents an array of items.
- ArrayOfRecipientsType
- Represents an array of recipients of an item.
- ArrayOfRecipientTrackingEventType
- Represents a collection of one or more events for a message.
- ArrayOfRemindersType
- Represents the reminders returned in the response to a GetReminders request.
- ArrayOfResolutionType
- Defines an array of resolutions for an ambiguous name.
- ArrayOfResponseMessagesType
- Represents the response messages for an Exchange Web Services request.
- ArrayOfRetentionPolicyTagsType
- Defines a list of retention tags.
- ArrayOfRoomsType
- Represents one or more meeting rooms.
- ArrayOfRuleOperationErrorsType
- Represents an array of rule validation errors on each rule field that has an
- ArrayOfRuleOperationsType
- Represents an array of rule operations that can be performed on an Inbox.
- ArrayOfRulesType
- Represents an array of rules in the user's mailbox.
- ArrayOfRuleValidationErrorsType
- Represents an array of rule validation errors on each rule field that has an
- ArrayOfSearchableMailboxesType
- Defines an array of mailboxes that can be searched.
- ArrayOfSearchItemKindsType
- Represents an array of messages to search.
- ArrayOfSearchPreviewItemsType
- Defines a list of items available for preview.
- ArrayOfSearchRefinerItemsType
- Defines a list of one or more refiners.
- ArrayOfServiceConfigurationResponseMessageType
- Represents an array of service configuration response messages.
- ArrayOfServiceConfigurationType
- Represents service configurations.
- ArrayOfSmtpAddressType
- Represents an array of recipients of a message.
- ArrayOfStringArrayAttributedValuesType
- Specifies an array of string data and identifiers of their source
- ArrayOfStringAttributedValuesType
- Represents an array of names and the identifiers of their source attributions
for the associated persona.
- ArrayOfStringsType
- Represents a collection of strings.
- ArrayOfSuggestion
- Represents an array of meeting suggestions.
- ArrayOfSuggestionDayResult
- Represents an array of meeting suggestions organized by date.
- ArrayOfTimeZoneDefinitionType
- Represents an array of time zone definitions.
- ArrayOfTrackingPropertiesType
- Represents a list of one or more tracking properties.
- ArrayOfTransitionsGroupsType
- Represents an array of time zone transition groups.
- ArrayOfTransitionsType
- Represents an array of time zone transitions.
- ArrayOfUnknownEntriesType
- Contains an array of unknown permission entries that cannot be resolved
against the Active Directory directory service.
- ArrayOfUserIdType
- Defines an array of delegate users to get or remove from a principal's
- ArrayOfUserMailboxesType
- Represents an array of mailboxes.
- ArrayOfValueAttributionsType
- Represents an array of attributions for an associated Value element.
- ArrayOfWorkingPeriod
- Represents working period information for the mailbox user.
- NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType
- Identifies items of any type for numerous requests.
- NonEmptyArrayOfAlternateIdsType
- Defines the source identifiers to convert.
- NonEmptyArrayOfApplyConversationActionType
- Defines a request to apply actions to items in a conversation.
- NonEmptyArrayOfAttachmentsType
- Contains the items or files that are attached to an item in the Exchange
- NonEmptyArrayOfAttendeesType
- Represents attendees who are not required to attend a meeting.
- NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType
- Represents the collection of folders that will be mined to determine the
contents of a search folder.
- NonEmptyArrayOfBaseItemIdsType
- Represents the unique identities of items, occurrence items, and recurring
master items that are used to delete, send, get, move, or copy items in the
Exchange store.
- NonEmptyArrayOfClientAccessTokenRequestsType
- Defines an array of token requests.
- NonEmptyArrayOfDeletedOccurrencesType
- Represents an array of deleted occurrences of a recurring calendar item.
- NonEmptyArrayOfExtendedFieldURIs
- Defines the extended properties used for a request.
- NonEmptyArrayOfExtendedPropertyType
- An array of additional properties.
- NonEmptyArrayOfFieldOrdersType
- Defines how items are sorted in a FindItem or FindConversation request.
- NonEmptyArrayOfFolderChangeDescriptionsType
- Represents a set of elements that define append, set, and delete changes to
folder properties.
- NonEmptyArrayOfFolderChangesType
- Represents a collection of changes for a folder.
- NonEmptyArrayOfFolderNamesType
- Represents an array of named managed folders to add to a mailbox.
- NonEmptyArrayOfFoldersType
- Represents an array of folders that are used in folder operations.
- NonEmptyArrayOfGroupIdentifiersType
- Represents a collection of Active Directory directory service group object
security identifiers.
- NonEmptyArrayOfInternetHeadersType
- Represents a collection of some of the Internet message headers that are
contained in an item in a mailbox.
- NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangeDescriptionsType
- Represents a set of elements that define append, set, and delete changes to
item properties.
- NonEmptyArrayOfItemChangesType
- Represents an array of ItemChange elements that identify items and the
updates to apply to the items.
- NonEmptyArrayOfItemIdsType
- Represents an array of item ids.
- NonEmptyArrayofLegacyDNsType
- Defines an array of mailboxes identified by legacy distinguished name.
- NonEmptyArrayOfMailboxQueriesType
- Defines a list of mailboxes and associated queries for discovery search.
- NonEmptyArrayOfMailboxSearchScopesType
- Defines a list of one or more mailboxes and associated search scopes for a
discovery search.
- NonEmptyArrayOfNotificationEventTypesType
- Represents a collection of event notification types that are used to create a
- NonEmptyArrayOfNotificationsType
- Represents an array of information about the subscription and the events that
have occurred since the last notification.
- NonEmptyArrayOfOccurrenceInfoType
- Represents an array of recurring calendar item occurrences that have been
modified so that they are different than the recurrence master item.
- NonEmptyArrayOfPathsToElementType
- Defines additional properties for use in GetItem, UpdateItem, CreateItem,
FindItem, or FindFolder requests.
- NonEmptyArrayOfPeriodsType
- Represents an array of periods that define the time offset at different
stages of a time zone.
- NonEmptyArrayOfPropertyValuesType
- Represents a collection of values for an extended property.
- NonEmptyArrayOfReminderItemActionType
- Defines the actions for reminder items.
- NonEmptyArrayOfRequestAttachmentIdsType
- Represents an array of attachment identifiers.
- NonEmptyArrayOfResponseObjectsType
- Represents a collection of all the response objects that are associated with
an item in the Exchange store.
- NonEmptyArrayOfRestrictedGroupIdentifiersType
- Represents a collection of restricted groups from a user's token.
- NonEmptyArrayOfSubscriptionIdsType
- Represents an array of invalid subscription IDs.
- NonEmptyArrayOfTimeZoneIdType
- Represents an array of time zone definition identifiers.
- NonEmptyArrayOfUploadItemsType
- Represents an array of items to upload into a mailbox.