

Represents the main class for work time records.

Table of Contents


$tab_worktime_times  : tab_worktime_times
Represents an object of work time records.


__construct()  : void
Initializes a new instance of the class.
__destruct()  : void
Destructor method that unsets the property $this->tab_worktime_times.
delete()  : bool
Deletes records from the database table based on the specified value and column.
generatebuttons()  : string
Generates buttons based on the session status and work/pause times.
get()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves the data from the database based on the provided value and column.
getalllastmonth()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves all entries from the table that match the given criteria for the last month.
insert()  : string|int|bool
Inserts a new entry into the table.
update()  : bool
Updates a record in the database table based on the specified column, value, and ID.
addButton()  : string
Adds a button to the HTML output.
checkifdaystart()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Checks if the day has started for the user.
checkifpauserunning()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Checks if a pause is currently running.
getallworkorpausetoday()  : int
Calculates the total time worked or paused today for a given user and type.




Initializes a new instance of the class.

public __construct() : void


Destructor method that unsets the property $this->tab_worktime_times.

public __destruct() : void


Deletes records from the database table based on the specified value and column.

public delete(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match in the column.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search for the specified value. Defaults to 'id'.

Return values

Returns true if the deletion is successful, false otherwise.


Generates buttons based on the session status and work/pause times.

public generatebuttons() : string
Return values

The generated HTML buttons.


Retrieves the data from the database based on the provided value and column.

public get(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to search for in the specified column.

$col : string = 'uid'

The column name to search the value in. Default is 'uid'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of retrieved data if successful, otherwise returns false.


Retrieves all entries from the table that match the given criteria for the last month.

public getalllastmonth(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to match against in the specified column.

$col : string = 'uid'

(optional) The column to search for the specified value. Default value is 'uid'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of entries that match the criteria for the last month, or a boolean value indicating the result of the retrieval operation.


Inserts a new entry into the table.

public insert(string $uid, string $type[, string $wttype = '0' ]) : string|int|bool
$uid : string

The unique identifier for the entry.

$type : string

The type of the entry.

$wttype : string = '0'

(optional) The work time type for the entry. Default value is '0'.

Return values

Returns the result of the insert operation. It can be a string, integer, or boolean value.


Updates a record in the database table based on the specified column, value, and ID.

public update(string $col, string $val, string $id) : bool
$col : string

The column to update in the database table.

$val : string

The new value to set for the specified column.

$id : string

The ID of the record to update.

Return values

Returns true if the update is successful, false otherwise.


Adds a button to the HTML output.

private addButton(string $btnClass, string $url, string $title, string $text) : string
$btnClass : string

The CSS class of the button.

$url : string

The URL that the button should link to.

$title : string

The title attribute of the button.

$text : string

The text displayed on the button.

Return values

Returns the HTML code for the button.


Checks if the day has started for the user.

private checkifdaystart([string $return = '0' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$return : string = '0'

The return value, defaults to '0'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns true if the day has started and $return is '0'. Returns the start information if the day has started and $return is '1'. Returns false if the day has not started.


Checks if a pause is currently running.

private checkifpauserunning([string $return = '0' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$return : string = '0'

The return value, defaults to '0'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns true if a pause is running and $return is '0'. Returns the pause information if a pause is running and $return is '1'. Returns false if no pause is running.


Calculates the total time worked or paused today for a given user and type.

private getallworkorpausetoday(string $uid, string $type) : int
$uid : string

The user ID.

$type : string

The type of work or pause ('work' or 'pause').

Return values

Returns the total time worked or paused today in seconds. Returns 0 if no work or pause is found.

On this page

Search results