

Class, that handles users

Table of Contents


$tusers  : tab_users
$tusersdetails  : tab_users_details
$tusersphoto  : tab_users_photo
$tuserssignatures  : tab_users_signatures
$tuserstenants  : tab_users_tenants


__construct()  : mixed
__destruct()  : mixed
all()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves all records from the database, with the option to sort the results.
delete()  : bool
detailsdelete()  : bool
Deletes records from the database based on a specific value and column.
detailsget()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves the details of a user based on a given value and column.
detailsinsert()  : bool
Inserts user details into the database.
detailsupdate()  : bool
Updates the details of a user in the database.
get()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves data from the users table based on a given value and column.
getall()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves all records from the database based on a specific value and column, with the option to specify the column to sort the results.
getalltechs()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
getview()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves the user details view based on a given value and column.
insert()  : string|bool
Inserts a new record into the database.
login()  : void
Authenticates a user and logs them into the system.
photosdelete()  : bool
Deletes photos from the database based on the specified value and column.
photosget()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves a photo record from the database based on a specific value and column.
photosinsert()  : bool
Inserts a new photo record into the database for the specified user.
photosupdate()  : bool
Updates the specified photo for a user in the database.
signaturesdelete()  : bool
Deletes records from the database based on the provided value and column.
signaturesget()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves signatures based on the given value and column.
signaturesinsert()  : bool
Inserts a new signature for a user into the database.
signaturesupdate()  : bool
Updates the signature for a user in the database.
tenantsdelete()  : bool
Delete the records from the tenants table based on the given value and column.
tenantsget()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves tenants based on the given value and column.
tenantsgetall()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves all tenants based on the given value.
tenantsinsert()  : bool
Inserts a new tenant record into the database for a specific user.
tenantsupdate()  : bool
Updates a specific record in the tenants table of the database.
update()  : bool
Updates a record in the database with the specified column, value, and user ID.




public __construct() : mixed


public __destruct() : mixed


Retrieves all records from the database, with the option to sort the results.

public all([string $sort = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$sort : string = 'id'

(optional) The field to sort the results by. Defaults to 'id'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

An array of records from the database, sorted by the specified field if provided. Returns false if there was an error retrieving the records.


public delete(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : bool
$val : string
$col : string = 'id'
Return values


Deletes records from the database based on a specific value and column.

public detailsdelete(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match for deletion.

$col : string = 'uid'

(optional) The column to search for the value. Defaults to 'uid'.

Return values

True if the deletion was successful, false otherwise.


Retrieves the details of a user based on a given value and column.

public detailsget(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to search for.

$col : string = 'uid'

The column to search in (defaults to 'uid').

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array containing the user details if found, otherwise returns false.


Inserts user details into the database.

public detailsinsert(string $uid, string $first, string $last, string $sal, string $mail, string $phone, string $mobile, string $direct[, string $sl = '' ]) : bool
$uid : string

The user ID.

$first : string

The first name of the user.

$last : string

The last name of the user.

$sal : string

The Salutation of the user.

$mail : string

The email of the user.

$phone : string

The phone number of the user.

$mobile : string

The mobile number of the user.

$direct : string

The direct contact number of the user.

$sl : string = ''

The social security number of the user.

Return values

Returns true if the user details were successfully inserted into the database, false otherwise.


Updates the details of a user in the database.

public detailsupdate(string $col, string $val, string $uid) : bool
$col : string

The column name in the details table to update.

$val : string

The new value for the specified column.

$uid : string

The unique identifier of the user to update the details for.

Return values

Returns true if the update was successful, false otherwise.


Retrieves data from the users table based on a given value and column.

public get(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to search for.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search in (defaults to 'id').

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array containing the user data if found, otherwise returns false.


Retrieves all records from the database based on a specific value and column, with the option to specify the column to sort the results.

public getall(string $val[, string $col = 'group' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to search for in the specified column.

$col : string = 'group'

(optional) The column to search for the specified value. Defaults to 'group'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

An array of records from the database that match the specified value and column, sorted by the specified column if provided. Returns false if there was an error retrieving the records.


public getalltechs() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool


Retrieves the user details view based on a given value and column.

public getview(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to search for.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search in (defaults to 'id').

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array containing the user details view if found, otherwise returns false.


Inserts a new record into the database.

public insert(string $sid, string $username, string $pass[, string $group = '1' ][, string $status = '0' ]) : string|bool
$sid : string

The unique identifier for the record.

$username : string

The username for the new record.

$pass : string

The password for the new record.

$group : string = '1'

(optional) The group ID for the new record. Defaults to '1'.

$status : string = '0'

(optional) The status for the new record. Defaults to '0'.

Return values

Returns the inserted record's ID if successful, otherwise returns false if there was an error inserting the record.


Authenticates a user and logs them into the system.

public login(string $user, string $pass) : void
$user : string

The username of the user to log in.

$pass : string

The password of the user to log in.


Deletes photos from the database based on the specified value and column.

public photosdelete(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match against in the specified column.

$col : string = 'uid'

(optional) The column to search for the specified value. Defaults to 'uid'.

Return values

Returns true if the photos were successfully deleted from the database. Returns false if there was an error deleting the photos.


Retrieves a photo record from the database based on a specific value and column.

public photosget(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to search for in the specified column.

$col : string = 'uid'

(optional) The column to search for the value in. Defaults to 'uid'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

An array representing the photo record from the database matching the specified value and column. Returns false if there was an error retrieving the record or if no record matches the specified criteria.


Inserts a new photo record into the database for the specified user.

public photosinsert(string $uid, string $photo) : bool
$uid : string

The unique identifier of the user.

$photo : string

The photo to be inserted.

Return values

True if the photo was successfully inserted into the database, false otherwise.


Updates the specified photo for a user in the database.

public photosupdate(string $photo, string $uid) : bool
$photo : string

The new photo to be updated for the user.

$uid : string

The unique identifier of the user.

Return values

Returns true if the photo update was successful. Returns false otherwise.


Deletes records from the database based on the provided value and column.

public signaturesdelete(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match for deletion.

$col : string = 'uid'

(optional) The column to use for matching. Defaults to 'uid'.

Return values

True if the deletion was successful, false otherwise.


Retrieves signatures based on the given value and column.

public signaturesget(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string
  • The value used to retrieve the signatures.
$col : string = 'uid'
  • (optional) The column to search in. Default is 'uid'.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool
  • An array containing the retrieved signatures or a boolean value indicating if the retrieval was successful or not.


Inserts a new signature for a user into the database.

public signaturesinsert(string $uid, string $sign) : bool
$uid : string

The user ID associated with the signature.

$sign : string

The signature to be inserted.

Return values

Returns true if the signature was successfully inserted into the database. Returns false if there was an error inserting the signature.


Updates the signature for a user in the database.

public signaturesupdate(string $uid, string $sign) : bool
$uid : string

The unique identifier of the user.

$sign : string

The new signature for the user.

Return values

Returns true if the signature was successfully updated in the database, false otherwise.


Delete the records from the tenants table based on the given value and column.

public tenantsdelete(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match against the specified column for deleting records.

$col : string = 'uid'

(optional) The column to match the value against. Defaults to 'uid'.

Return values

Returns true if the deletion was successful. Returns false if there was an error deleting the records.


Retrieves tenants based on the given value and column.

public tenantsget(string $val[, string $col = 'uid' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string
  • The value used to retrieve the tenants.
$col : string = 'uid'
  • (Optional) The column used for the retrieval. Defaults to 'uid'.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool
  • An array containing the tenants that match the given value and column, or a boolean value indicating if the retrieval was successful or not.


Retrieves all tenants based on the given value.

public tenantsgetall(string $uid) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$uid : string
  • The value used to retrieve the tenants.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool
  • An array containing all tenants or a boolean value indicating if the retrieval was successful or not.


Inserts a new tenant record into the database for a specific user.

public tenantsinsert(string $uid, string $tenant[, string $access = '0' ]) : bool
$uid : string

The user ID to associate the new tenant record with.

$tenant : string

The name of the tenant.

$access : string = '0'

(optional) The access level for the tenant. Defaults to '0'.

Return values

Returns true if the tenant record was successfully inserted into the database. Returns false if there was an error inserting the record.


Updates a specific record in the tenants table of the database.

public tenantsupdate(string $col, string $val, string $uid) : bool
$col : string

The column name of the field to update.

$val : string

The new value to set for the specified field.

$uid : string

The unique identifier of the record to update.

Return values

Returns true if the record was updated successfully, false otherwise.


Updates a record in the database with the specified column, value, and user ID.

public update(string $col, string $val, string $uid) : bool
$col : string

The column to update.

$val : string

The new value for the specified column.

$uid : string

The user ID of the record to update.

Return values

Returns true if the record was successfully updated, and false otherwise.

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