

Represents the main class for LDAP operations.

Table of Contents


$base  : string
$bind  : resource
Represents the bind of ldap.
$dom  : string
$lconn  : Connection


__construct()  : void
Construct method for the class.
__destruct()  : mixed
Closes the LDAP connection when the object is destroyed.
login()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Authenticates a user and retrieves their LDAP information.
search()  : bool
Searches for a user in the LDAP directory.
checkdisabled()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Checks the disabled flags based on the given user account value.
connect()  : void
Establishes a connection with the LDAP server.
getldaparray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array with LDAP user information.
getsid()  : string
Converts an Active Directory SID (Security Identifier) from binary to string format.
ldap_login()  : bool
Attempts to log in to the LDAP directory with the given user and password.



private string $base

Represents the base DN for LDAP operations. The base DN is the starting point for querying the LDAP directory.


Represents the bind of ldap.

private resource $bind


private string $dom

Represents the ldap domain.


private Connection $lconn

Represents the connection to the LDAP server.



Construct method for the class.

public __construct() : void

The method initiates the connection to the LDAP directory by calling the 'connect' method.


Closes the LDAP connection when the object is destroyed.

public __destruct() : mixed


Authenticates a user and retrieves their LDAP information.

public login(string $user, string $pass) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$user : string

The username of the user attempting to login.

$pass : string

The password of the user attempting to login.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of LDAP information if the user is authenticated and has LDAP information, false otherwise.

Searches for a user in the LDAP directory.

public search(string $user) : bool
$user : string

The user to search for.

Return values

Returns true if the user is found and meets the required conditions, false otherwise.


Checks the disabled flags based on the given user account value.

private checkdisabled(string $usAcc) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$usAcc : string

The user account value to check.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of disabled flags if there are any, otherwise false.


Establishes a connection with the LDAP server.

private connect() : void


Returns an array with LDAP user information.

private getldaparray(string $user, string $pass, array<string|int, mixed> $info) : array<string|int, mixed>
$user : string

The username.

$pass : string

The user's password.

$info : array<string|int, mixed>

An array containing LDAP user information.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array with the following keys:

  • 'user' : The username.
  • 'pass' : The encrypted password.
  • 'company' : The user's company.
  • 'cn' : The user's common name.
  • 'first' : The user's first name.
  • 'last' : The user's last name.
  • 'direct' : The user's direct phone number, or 0 if not available.
  • 'phone' : The user's phone number, or 0 if not available.
  • 'mobile' : The user's mobile number, or 0 if not available.
  • 'email' : The user's email, or an empty string if not available.


Converts an Active Directory SID (Security Identifier) from binary to string format.

private getsid(string $adsid) : string
$adsid : string

The binary representation of the Active Directory SID.

Return values

The string representation of the Active Directory SID.


Attempts to log in to the LDAP directory with the given user and password.

private ldap_login(string $user, string $pass) : bool
$user : string

The username to log in with.

$pass : string

The password for the user.

Return values

Returns true if the login is successful, false otherwise.

On this page

Search results