
in package

Class html_form_inputs


Lutz Boldt

Table of Contents


hidden()  : string
Generiert ein verstecktes Feld
inputwithdesc()  : string
Generates an input field with a description in a form group.
inputwithoutdesc()  : string
Generates an input field without a description in a form group.
rangewithdesc()  : string
Create a range slider input field with a label and description.
rowinputwithdesc()  : string
Generates a form row with an input field and description.
rowinputwithoutdesc()  : string
Create a row input field without a description.
rowinputwithoutdescwsubmit()  : string
rowtextareasummernotewithdesc()  : string
switchwithdesc()  : string
Create a switch input field with a label and description.
textareasummernotewithdesc()  : string
Generate textarea with description using Summernote editor
getform()  : string
Generiert die Bootstrap-Form Control für Input Label und falls nötig Beschreibung
getformdesc()  : string
Generiert die Beschreibung für ein Formularfeld
getinputwdesc()  : string
Get input with description
getlabel()  : string
Generiert das Label eines Inputs



Generiert ein verstecktes Feld

public hidden(string $name, string $id, string $value) : string
$name : string

Name des Feldes

$id : string

ID des Feldes

$value : string


Return values
  • Generierter String


Generates an input field with a description in a form group.

public inputwithdesc(string $type, string $label, string $name, string $id, string $placeholder, string $desc[, string $value = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, string $auto = 'on' ][, string $disabled = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$type : string

The type of input field.

$label : string

The label for the input field.

$name : string

The name attribute of the input field.

$id : string

The id attribute of the input field.

$placeholder : string

The placeholder attribute of the input field.

$desc : string

The description for the input field.

$value : string = ''

The value attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

$class : string = ''

The class attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

$auto : string = 'on'

The auto attribute of the input field. Default is 'on'.

$disabled : string = ''

The disabled attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

$required : string = ''

The required attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

Return values

The generated input field string.


Generates an input field without a description in a form group.

public inputwithoutdesc(string $type, string $label, string $name, string $id, string $placeholder[, string $value = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, string $auto = 'on' ][, string $disabled = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$type : string

The type of input field.

$label : string

The label for the input field.

$name : string

The name attribute of the input field.

$id : string

The id attribute of the input field.

$placeholder : string

The placeholder attribute of the input field.

$value : string = ''

The value attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

$class : string = ''

The class attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

$auto : string = 'on'

The auto attribute of the input field. Default is 'on'.

$disabled : string = ''

The disabled attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

$required : string = ''

The required attribute of the input field. Default is empty string.

Return values

The generated input field string.


Create a range slider input field with a label and description.

public rangewithdesc(string $label, string $name, string $id, string $desc, string $value, string $min, string $max[, string $class = '' ]) : string
$label : string

The label for the input field.

$name : string

The name attribute for the input field.

$id : string

The ID attribute for the input field.

$desc : string

The description for the input field.

$value : string

The current value of the input field.

$min : string

The minimum value of the range slider.

$max : string

The maximum value of the range slider.

$class : string = ''

Optional CSS class(es) to be added to the input field.

Return values

The HTML representation of the range slider input field.


Generates a form row with an input field and description.

public rowinputwithdesc(string $type, string $label, string $name, string $id, string $placeholder, string $desc[, string $value = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, string $auto = 'on' ][, string $disabled = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$type : string

Type of the input field (Allowed values: text, date, number, color, etc.)

$label : string

Label for the input field

$name : string

Post name of the input field

$id : string

ID of the input field

$placeholder : string

Placeholder text for the input field

$desc : string

Description text for the input field

$value : string = ''

[Optional] Value for the input field (default: empty string)

$class : string = ''

[Optional] Additional CSS classes for the input field (default: empty string)

$auto : string = 'on'

[Optional] Autocomplete value for the input field (default: "on")

$disabled : string = ''

[Optional] Disabled status for the input field (default: empty string)

$required : string = ''

[Optional] Required status for the input field (default: empty string)

Return values

Generated HTML string for the form row


Create a row input field without a description.

public rowinputwithoutdesc(string $type, string $label, string $name, string $id, string $placeholder[, string $value = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, string $auto = 'on' ][, string $disabled = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$type : string

The type of the input field (e.g. "text").

$label : string

The label for the input field.

$name : string

The name attribute for the input field.

$id : string

The ID attribute for the input field.

$placeholder : string

The placeholder attribute for the input field.

$value : string = ''

Optional value attribute for the input field.

$class : string = ''

Optional CSS class(es) to be added to the input field and label.

$auto : string = 'on'

Optional "auto" attribute for the input field.

$disabled : string = ''

Optional "disabled" attribute for the input field.

$required : string = ''

Optional "required" attribute for the input field.

Return values

The HTML representation of the row input field.


public rowinputwithoutdescwsubmit(string $type, string $label, string $name, string $id, string $placeholder[, string $value = '' ][, string $class = '' ][, string $auto = 'on' ][, string $disabled = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$type : string
$label : string
$name : string
$id : string
$placeholder : string
$value : string = ''
$class : string = ''
$auto : string = 'on'
$disabled : string = ''
$required : string = ''
Return values


public rowtextareasummernotewithdesc(string $label, string $name, string $id, string $desc[, string $value = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$label : string
$name : string
$id : string
$desc : string
$value : string = ''
$required : string = ''
Return values


Create a switch input field with a label and description.

public switchwithdesc(string $type, string $label, string $name, string $id, string $desc, string $value[, string $class = '' ][, string $checked = '' ]) : string
$type : string

The type of the input field (e.g. "checkbox").

$label : string

The label for the input field.

$name : string

The name attribute for the input field.

$id : string

The ID attribute for the input field.

$desc : string

The description for the input field.

$value : string

The value attribute for the input field.

$class : string = ''

Optional CSS class(es) to be added to the input field.

$checked : string = ''

Optional "checked" attribute for the input field.

Return values

The HTML representation of the switch input field.


Generate textarea with description using Summernote editor

public textareasummernotewithdesc(string $label, string $name, string $id, string $desc[, string $value = '' ][, string $required = '' ]) : string
$label : string

The label for the textarea

$name : string

The name of the textarea

$id : string

The id of the textarea

$desc : string

The description of the textarea

$value : string = ''

(optional) The value of the textarea

$required : string = ''
Return values

The textarea HTML code


Generiert die Bootstrap-Form Control für Input Label und falls nötig Beschreibung

private getform([string $type = '' ]) : string
$type : string = ''

Typ der zu generierenden Form-Control

Return values
  • generierte Form-Control


Generiert die Beschreibung für ein Formularfeld

private getformdesc(string $id, string $desc[, string $class = '' ]) : string
$id : string

ID des Formularfelds

$desc : string

Beschreibungstext des Formularfelds

$class : string = ''

zusätzliche CSS-Klassen (optional)

Return values
  • Generierter String


Get input with description

private getinputwdesc(string $type, string $name, string $id, string $placeholder, string $value, string $class, string $auto, string $disabled, string $required) : string
$type : string

The type of input

$name : string

The name of input

$id : string

The id of input

$placeholder : string

The placeholder for input

$value : string

The value of input

$class : string

The CSS class of input

$auto : string

The autocomplete attribute of input

$disabled : string

The disabled attribute of input

$required : string

The required attribute of input

Return values

The input HTML code


Generiert das Label eines Inputs

private getlabel(string $id, string $label[, string $class = '' ]) : string
$id : string

ID des Inputs

$label : string


$class : string = ''

(optional) CSS-Klasse

Return values
  • generierte Label

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