

Class views


Lutz Boldt

Table of Contents


generatebox()  : string
Generates a box with specified column size, title, content, background class, and font class.
getchargebletimeoftechs()  : string
Retrieves the chargeable time of the technicians.
getoverduetickets()  : string
Retrieves and displays overdue tickets.
newticketslast7days()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the number of new tickets created in the last 7 days.
overdueticketspertech()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the number of overdue tickets per technician.
statusstatistic()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the statistics of ticket statuses.
getoverdueticketslink()  : string
Generates an HTML link for an overdue ticket.



Generates a box with specified column size, title, content, background class, and font class.

public generatebox(string $colsize, string $title, string $content[, string $bgclass = '' ][, string $fontclass = '' ]) : string
$colsize : string

The column size for the box.

$title : string

The title of the box.

$content : string

The content of the box.

$bgclass : string = ''

(optional) The background class for the box.

$fontclass : string = ''

(optional) The font class for the box.

Return values

The generated HTML code for the box.


Retrieves the chargeable time of the technicians.

public getchargebletimeoftechs() : string
Return values

HTML representation of chargeable time of technicians.


Retrieves and displays overdue tickets.

public getoverduetickets() : string
Return values

The HTML representation of the overdue tickets list.


Retrieves the number of new tickets created in the last 7 days.

public newticketslast7days() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An associative array containing the count of new tickets for each day.


Retrieves the number of overdue tickets per technician.

public overdueticketspertech() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An associative array where the key is the technician's name and the value is the number of overdue tickets assigned to them.


Retrieves the statistics of ticket statuses.

public statusstatistic() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An associative array containing the count of tickets for each status. The keys are the names of the statuses and the values are the count of tickets.

Generates an HTML link for an overdue ticket.

private getoverdueticketslink(string $id, string $number, string $custname, string $subject, string $tech, string $overduetime) : string
$id : string

The ID of the ticket.

$number : string

The ticket number.

$custname : string

The name of the customer.

$subject : string

The subject of the ticket.

$tech : string

The technician assigned to the ticket.

$overduetime : string

The time elapsed since the ticket was overdue.

Return values

The HTML representation of the overdue ticket link.

On this page

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