

Class master

Table of Contents


$host  : string
$token  : string


__destruct()  : void
Destructs the object and removes the token and host properties.
get_tenants()  : false|array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the list of tenants from the API.
build_data_files()  : string
Builds the data files for a multipart form request.
checktokenandconnect()  : bool
Checks if the token is empty and connects if necessary.
connect()  : bool
Connect to the specified host using the provided credentials and retrieve an access token.
extractJSONValue()  : mixed
Extracts the value from a JSON object and optionally prints it.
generate_tenantsarray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Generates an array with the tenant information.
isjson()  : bool
Determines whether the given value is a valid JSON string.
send()  : mixed
Sends a request to the specified URI using the given method and data.



private string $host = ''

The hostname or IP address of the server.


private string $token = ''

The authentication token used for API requests.



Destructs the object and removes the token and host properties.

public __destruct() : void


Retrieves the list of tenants from the API.

public get_tenants() : false|array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
false|array<string|int, mixed>

Returns an array containing the tenants' information if the token is not empty and the connection was successful, otherwise false.


Builds the data files for a multipart form request.

private build_data_files(string $bounds, string $fp, string $fname) : string
$bounds : string

The boundary string for the multipart form data

$fp : string

The file path of the file to include in the form data

$fname : string

The name of the file to include in the form data

Return values

The built data files as a string


Checks if the token is empty and connects if necessary.

private checktokenandconnect() : bool
Return values

Returns true if the token is not empty or if the connection was successful, otherwise false.


Connect to the specified host using the provided credentials and retrieve an access token.

private connect() : bool
Return values

True if the connection is successful and an access token is retrieved, false otherwise.


Extracts the value from a JSON object and optionally prints it.

private extractJSONValue(mixed $value[, bool $print = false ][, string $label = "" ]) : mixed
$value : mixed

The value to be extracted from the JSON object.

$print : bool = false

Whether to print the extracted value or not. Default is false.

$label : string = ""

The label to be displayed before the extracted value when printing. Default is an empty string.

Return values

The extracted value from the JSON object. If the value is not set, returns an empty string.


Generates an array with the tenant information.

private generate_tenantsarray(object $tn) : array<string|int, mixed>
$tn : object

The tenant object containing the information.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array containing the tenant information with the following keys:

  • db: The name of the database.
  • company: The name of the company.
  • street: The street and house number of the address.
  • zip: The zip code of the address.
  • city: The city of the address.
  • phone: The telephone number of the contact.
  • fax: The fax number of the contact.
  • homepage: The homepage URL of the contact.
  • email: The email address of the contact.


Determines whether the given value is a valid JSON string.

private isjson(mixed $val) : bool
$val : mixed

The value to be checked.

Return values

Returns true if the value is a valid JSON string, false otherwise.


Sends a request to the specified URI using the given method and data.

private send([string $uri = '' ][, string $method = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $data = array() ]) : mixed
$uri : string = ''

The URI to send the request to.

$method : string = ''

The HTTP method to use (default is empty).

$data : array<string|int, mixed>|string = array()

The data to send with the request (default is empty array).

Return values

Returns the response from the request, parsed as JSON, or false if there was an error.

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