

Class tab_mail

Represents a class for managing email records in the database.

Table of Contents


$allowedcols  : array<string|int, mixed>
$db  : db_master


__construct()  : mixed
Constructs a new instance of the class.
__destruct()  : void
Destructor method for the current class.
all()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves all the records from the 'mail' table and returns them.
delete()  : bool
Deletes a record from the `mail` table based on the specified column and value.
get()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieves a record from the 'mail' table based on the specified value and column and returns it.
getall()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
insert()  : string|bool
Inserts a new record into the 'mail' table with the given parameters.
update()  : bool
Updates a record in the `mail` table with the specified column, new value, and mail id.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $allowedcols = ['id', 'tenant', 'created', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'html_body', 'text_body', 'send', 'sendtime']

This variable is an array that contains the allowed columns for a specific operation. Each element of this array represents a column name.

Usage example: $allowedcols = ['id','created','to','cc','bcc','subject','html_body','text_body','send'];



Constructs a new instance of the class.

public __construct() : mixed

Initializes the database object by assigning the global $dbm variable to the local $this->db property.


Destructor method for the current class.

public __destruct() : void

Unsets the 'db' and 'allowedcols' properties.


Retrieves all the records from the 'mail' table and returns them.

public all([string $sort = 'send' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Optionally, you can specify the column to sort the records by.

$sort : string = 'send'

(Optional) The column to sort the records by. Defaults to 'send'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of all the records from the 'mail' table if successful, false otherwise.


Deletes a record from the `mail` table based on the specified column and value.

public delete(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match against the specified column.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to be used for the deletion. Defaults to 'id'.

Return values

Returns true if the deletion was successful, false otherwise.


Retrieves a record from the 'mail' table based on the specified value and column and returns it.

public get(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to match the records against.

$col : string = 'id'

(Optional) The column to match the value against. Defaults to 'id'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of the matching record from the 'mail' table if successful, false otherwise.


public getall(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string
$col : string = 'id'
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool


Inserts a new record into the 'mail' table with the given parameters.

public insert(string $tid, string $to, string $cc, string $bcc, string $subject, string $htmlbody, string $textbody) : string|bool
$tid : string
$to : string

The email address of the recipient.

$cc : string

(Optional) The email address(es) of the CC recipient(s).

$bcc : string

(Optional) The email address(es) of the BCC recipient(s).

$subject : string

The subject of the email.

$htmlbody : string

The HTML body of the email.

$textbody : string

The plain text body of the email.

Return values

Returns the ID of the newly inserted record if successful, false otherwise.


Updates a record in the `mail` table with the specified column, new value, and mail id.

public update(string $col, string $val, string $mid) : bool
$col : string

The column to be updated.

$val : string

The new value for the specified column.

$mid : string

The mail id of the record to be updated.

Return values

Returns true if the update was successful, false otherwise.

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