

Class tab_groups Represents a group of tab objects in a tabbed interface.

This class provides methods for interacting with the groups table in the database.

Table of Contents


$allowedcols  : array<string|int, mixed>
$db  : db_master


__construct()  : void
Class constructor.
__destruct()  : mixed
Destructor method for the class.
all()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieve all records from the `groups` table sorted by the specified column.
delete()  : bool
Delete records from the "groups" table based on the specified column and value.
get()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieve a record from the `groups` table based on the specified value and column.
insert()  : bool
Insert a new record into the `groups` table.
update()  : bool
Update a record in the "groups" table based on the specified column and value.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $allowedcols = ['id', 'name', 'icon', 'sort']

An array of allowed column names



Class constructor.

public __construct() : void

Initializes the object by assigning the global database object to the local property.


Destructor method for the class.

public __destruct() : mixed

Unsets the 'db' property, effectively freeing up the memory used by the database connection.

Note that this method does not return any value.


Retrieve all records from the `groups` table sorted by the specified column.

public all([string $col = 'sort' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

If the specified column is not one of the allowed columns, it will default to sorting by the 'sort' column.

$col : string = 'sort'

The column to sort the results by. Default is 'sort'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

An array of records sorted by the specified column if there are any records, false otherwise.


Delete records from the "groups" table based on the specified column and value.

public delete(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to search for in the specified column. It will be escaped to prevent SQL injection.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search in. The default value is "id". If the specified column is not allowed, it will default to "id".

Return values

Returns true if the deletion was successful, false otherwise.


Retrieve a record from the `groups` table based on the specified value and column.

public get(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

If the specified column is not one of the allowed columns, it will default to searching by the 'id' column.

$val : string

The value to search for in the specified column.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search in. Default is 'id'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

An array representing the matching record if found, false otherwise.


Insert a new record into the `groups` table.

public insert(string $name, string $icon, string $sort) : bool
$name : string

The name of the group.

$icon : string

The icon associated with the group.

$sort : string

The sorting order of the group.

Return values

Returns true if the record was inserted successfully, false otherwise.


Update a record in the "groups" table based on the specified column and value.

public update(string $col, string $val, string $id) : bool
$col : string

The column to update. If the specified column is not allowed, it will default to "name".

$val : string

The new value for the specified column. It will be escaped to prevent SQL injection.

$id : string

The ID of the record to update.

Return values

Returns true if the update was successful, false otherwise.

On this page

Search results