

Class main

This class represents the main customer management functionality.

Table of Contents


$tcust  : tab_customers
$tdetails  : tab_customers_details


__construct()  : void
Constructor method.
__destruct()  : void
Clean up resources when the object is destroyed.
all()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieve all items.
delete()  : bool
Deletes a record from the customer table based on the given value and column.
detailsdelete()  : bool
Deletes details based on the given value and column from the customers details table.
detailsget()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieve details for a given value.
detailsinsert()  : bool
Inserts details of a customer into the details table.
detailsupdate()  : bool
Updates a record in the customers details table based on the given column, value, and customer ID.
get()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Retrieve data for a given value.
getcustomersintickets()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
insert()  : string|bool
Inserts a new record into the database.
search()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Searches for a given term.
update()  : bool
Updates a record in the customer table based on the given column, value, and customer ID.



protected tab_customers $tcust

This variable represents the customer main information table.



Constructor method.

public __construct() : void

Initializes the 'tcust' and 'tdetails' variables by creating instances of the 'tab_customers' and 'tab_customers_details' classes respectively.


Clean up resources when the object is destroyed.

public __destruct() : void

This method will unset the $tcust and $tdetails properties, freeing up any resources they may hold.


Retrieve all items.

public all([string $type = '-1' ][, string $sort = 'number' ][, string $order = 'ASC' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$type : string = '-1'

(Optional) The type of items to retrieve. Default is '-1'.

$sort : string = 'number'

(Optional) The field to sort the items by. Default is 'number'.

$order : string = 'ASC'

(Optional) The order in which the items should be sorted. Default is 'ASC'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

An array of items if successful, or false on failure.


Deletes a record from the customer table based on the given value and column.

public delete(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to match against the specified column.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search for the specified value. Default is 'id'.

Return values

True if the record was successfully deleted, false otherwise.


Deletes details based on the given value and column from the customers details table.

public detailsdelete(string $val[, string $col = 'customer' ]) : bool
$val : string

The value to be matched for deletion in the specified column.

$col : string = 'customer'

The column in the details table to search for the specified value. Default value is 'customer'.

Return values

Returns true if the deletion is successful, false otherwise.


Retrieve details for a given value.

public detailsget(string $val[, string $col = 'customer' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to retrieve details for.

$col : string = 'customer'

The column to search for the value. Default is 'customer'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The details for the given value as an array if found, otherwise false.


Inserts details of a customer into the details table.

public detailsinsert(string $cid, string $street, string $zip, string $city, string $phone, string $mobile[, string $country = '' ][, string $cost = '' ][, string $hours = '' ][, string $rate = '' ][, string $ah = '' ][, string $standby = '' ]) : bool
$cid : string

The customer id.

$street : string

The customer's street address.

$zip : string

The customer's ZIP code.

$city : string

The customer's city.

$phone : string

The customer's phone number.

$mobile : string

The customer's mobile number.

$country : string = ''

The customer's country. Default is an empty string.

$cost : string = ''

The cost associated with the customer. Default is an empty string.

$hours : string = ''

The hours worked by the customer. Default is an empty string.

$rate : string = ''

The rate of the customer. Default is an empty string.

$ah : string = ''

The AH value of the customer. Default is an empty string.

$standby : string = ''

The standby value of the customer. Default is an empty string.

Return values

True if the details were successfully inserted, false otherwise.


Updates a record in the customers details table based on the given column, value, and customer ID.

public detailsupdate(string $col, string $val, string $cid) : bool
$col : string

The column to update in the details table.

$val : string

The value to update in the specified column.

$cid : string

The ID of the customer whose record needs to be updated.

Return values

True if the record was successfully updated, false otherwise.


Retrieve data for a given value.

public get(string $val[, string $col = 'id' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$val : string

The value to retrieve data for.

$col : string = 'id'

The column to search for the value. Default is 'number'.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The data for the given value as an array if found, otherwise false.


public getcustomersintickets([string $status = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$status : string = ''
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool


Inserts a new record into the database.

public insert(string $type, string $number, string $name, string $email[, string $remail = '' ][, string $wk = '0' ]) : string|bool
$type : string

The type of record.

$number : string

The number associated with the record.

$name : string

The name associated with the record.

$email : string

The email associated with the record.

$remail : string = ''

Optional. An alternate email associated with the record. Default is empty string.

$wk : string = '0'

Optional. The work number associated with the record. Default is '0'.

Return values

Returns a string value if the insertion was successful. Otherwise, returns false.

Searches for a given term.

public search(string $term) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
$term : string

The term to search for.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Returns an array of results if found, otherwise returns a boolean value.


Updates a record in the customer table based on the given column, value, and customer ID.

public update(string $col, string $val, string $cid) : bool
$col : string

The column to update in the customer table.

$val : string

The new value to set for the specified column.

$cid : string

The customer ID to identify the record to update.

Return values

True if the record was successfully updated, false otherwise.

On this page

Search results