
RecurringMasterItemIdType extends BaseItemIdType
in package

Defines a recurrence master item by identifying the identifiers of one of its related occurrence items.

Table of Contents


$ChangeKey  : string
Identifies a specific version of a single occurrence of a recurring master item.
$OccurrenceId  : string
Identifies a single occurrence of a recurring master item.


__clone()  : mixed
Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.



Identifies a specific version of a single occurrence of a recurring master item.

public string $ChangeKey

Additionally, the recurring master item is also identified because it and the single occurrence will contain the same change key.

This attribute is optional.


Exchange 2007


Identifies a single occurrence of a recurring master item.

public string $OccurrenceId

This attribute is required.


Exchange 2007



Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.

public __clone() : mixed

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