
ItemIdType extends BaseItemIdType
in package

Contains the unique identifier and change key of an item in the Exchange store.

Table of Contents


$ChangeKey  : string
Identifies a specific version of an item.
$Id  : string
Identifies a specific item in the Exchange store.


__clone()  : mixed
Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.



Identifies a specific version of an item.

public string $ChangeKey

A ChangeKey is required for the following scenarios:

  • The UpdateItem element requires a ChangeKey if the ConflictResolution attribute is set to AutoResolve. AutoResolve is a default value. If the ChangeKey attribute is not included, the response will return a ResponseCode value equal to ErrorChangeKeyRequired.
  • The SendItem element requires a ChangeKey to test whether the attempted operation will act upon the most recent version of an item. If the ChangeKey attribute is not included in the ItemId or if the ChangeKey is empty, the response will return a ResponseCode value equal to ErrorStaleObject.

Exchange 2007


Identifies a specific item in the Exchange store.

public string $Id

Id is case-sensitive; therefore, comparisons between Ids must be case-sensitive or binary.


Exchange 2007



Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.

public __clone() : mixed

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