
DiscoverySearchConfigurationType extends Type
in package

Defines a configuration for eDiscovery search.

Table of Contents


$InPlaceHoldIdentity  : string
Specifies the identity of a hold that preserves the mailbox items.
$Language  : string
Identifies the culture to be used for the culture-specific format of date ranges.
$ManagedByOrganization  : string
Specifies the managing organization.
$SearchableMailboxes  : ArrayOfSearchableMailboxesType
Contains a list of mailboxes.
$SearchId  : string
Specifies the identifier of the search.
$SearchQuery  : string
Specifies the name of an eDiscovery search query.


__clone()  : mixed
Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.



Specifies the identity of a hold that preserves the mailbox items.

public string $InPlaceHoldIdentity

Exchange 2013


Identifies the culture to be used for the culture-specific format of date ranges.

public string $Language

It also specifies the language used in a search query.


Exchange 2013



Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.

public __clone() : mixed

On this page

Search results