
ConnectingSIDType extends Type
in package

Represents an account to impersonate when you are using the ExchangeImpersonation SOAP header.

Table of Contents


$PrimarySmtpAddress  : string
Represents the primary Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the account to use for Exchange impersonation.
$PrincipalName  : string
Represents the user principal name (UPN) of the account to use for impersonation.
$SID  : string
Represents the security descriptor definition language (SDDL) form of the security identifier (SID) for the account to use for impersonation.
$SmtpAddress  : string
Represents the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the account to use for Exchange Impersonation.


__clone()  : mixed
Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.



Represents the primary Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the account to use for Exchange impersonation.

public string $PrimarySmtpAddress

If the primary SMTP address is supplied, it will cost an extra Active Directory directory service lookup in order to obtain the SID of the user. We recommend that you use the SID or UPN if they are available.


Exchange 2007


Represents the user principal name (UPN) of the account to use for impersonation.

public string $PrincipalName

This should be the UPN for the domain where the user account exists.


Exchange 2007


Represents the security descriptor definition language (SDDL) form of the security identifier (SID) for the account to use for impersonation.

public string $SID

Exchange 2007


Represents the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the account to use for Exchange Impersonation.

public string $SmtpAddress

If the SMTP address is supplied, it will cost an extra Active Directory lookup in order to obtain the SID of the user. We recommend that you use the SID or UPN if they are available.


Exchange 2010



Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.

public __clone() : mixed

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