
GetServerTimeZonesType extends BaseRequestType
in package

Represents a request to retrieve time zone definitions from the Exchange server.

Table of Contents


$Ids  : NonEmptyArrayOfTimeZoneIdType
Contains an array of time zone definition identifiers that specifies the requested time zone definitions.
$ReturnFullTimeZoneData  : bool
Specifies whether the GetServerTimeZones operation returns the complete definition or only the name and identifier for each time zone.


__clone()  : mixed
Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.



Contains an array of time zone definition identifiers that specifies the requested time zone definitions.

public NonEmptyArrayOfTimeZoneIdType $Ids

This element is optional.

If this element is not included in the GetServerTimeZones operation request, all time zone definitions that are available on the server are returned in the response.


Exchange 2010


Specifies whether the GetServerTimeZones operation returns the complete definition or only the name and identifier for each time zone.

public bool $ReturnFullTimeZoneData = true

This attribute is optional.


Exchange 2010



Clones any object properties on a type object when it is cloned. Allows for a deep clone required when using object to represent data types when making a SOAP call.

public __clone() : mixed

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